24 July, 2013

Imagitronics: Mind-Stretching Scenarios To Launch Creative Thought and Develop Problem-Solving Skills

Noting that everyday creativity often requires imaginative insight, this book provides opportunities for children and adults to invent and problem solve by confronting puzzling scenarios that invite visual imagination. Each of the 71 activities in the book begins with a scenario that promotes speculative imagination. In the creative- and critical-thinking section of each entry, the reader is asked to approach the scenario from unusual perspectives. In the artistic design section, the reader is invited to create sketches of solutions and inventive designs. Scenarios in the book are clustered into sections by theme: "Science and Science Fiction Adventure"; "Technological Innovation"; "Social Studies"; and "Creative Architecture." The scenarios can extend or enrich learning activities in the sciences, social studies, arts, and language curricula in the following ways: by serving as an activity card in an enrichment learning center or interest center; by becoming the basis for independent-study projects; by initiating whole-class, small-group, or individual creative writing activities; by initiating artistic design activities; by augmenting creative problem solving activities; and by supporting curriculum integration. A 35-item list of resources for inventive visual thinking is attached. (PM)