Having a child with Asperger's Syndrome can feel a bit like raising a Martian. They look the same as all the other children, but somehow, they are just...different. You don't speak the same language, you don't see the world in the same way, and you have no idea what the future holds. How on Earth do you go about raising a Martian anyway? Joshua Muggleton is 21 and has Asperger's Syndrome. Now studying psychology at the University of St Andrews, he has been through all the trials and tribulations of the school system. In "Raising Martians", he combines his personal experience into what it means to have AS with his knowledge of autistic spectrum disorders to produce an invaluable guide for parents. Starting with the very basics of 'what is autism?', Joshua covers topics such as friendships and social situations, obsessions, and sensory issues, before tackling what is arguably the biggest part of any child's life: school. An essential guide for any parent trying to understand their Asperger child, "Raising Martians" will take them from crash landing to leaving home.